Thursday 27 March 2008

Another Day on the Treadmill

Just another day. Not on the actual treadmill because I haven't been using it much, but the treadmill that is one day after the next. Not a lot to report today actually. The highlight was my two flat whites (coffees for those not from Oz). Normally I have one a day as a treat because it does eat into the 1200 calories a day that I am currently limited to, all that milk. But today, I got up late so missed breakfast and therefore found myself with extra calories left over. And so I had a second one and it was great! You still have to have treats, even when calorie counting and coffee is a definite must in my life. Probably sounds pathetic to be so thrilled about 2 coffees in a day, but there you go... thats what does it for me currently.

Tomorrow night I am meeting up with some old work mates at a bar in town which should be fun. But I am going to abstain from drinking as that really is the stairway to calorie and weight gain hell for me. I would rather have no drinks than one drink, because once I have the taste for it - a cocktail or a nice glass of wine, it will be damn hard to stop at one. Especially when everyone else is doing rounds. And then after a few drinks suddenly the desire to eat wedges and mayo, hot chips or some other kind of fried or fatty food will be too difficult to resist... So abstain I will. I am quite used to it these days actually so it shouldnt be too bad. And then I find on the odd occasion when I plan a big night out (and work extra hard at the gym), it doesn't take many drinks before I am a bit squiffy so the damage isn't as bad as it once was when I had more resistance.

Ah well, enough of this. Not a lot to report so I will wait until I do.


little miss normal


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Good for you. You have every right to be happy and proud. I am in the US. I just converted stones to pounds. If anyone else in the US is reading this blog...that is 175 pounds. Again, congratulations and keep up the good work.

little miss normal said...

Thanks Anonymous.
I appreciate your kind words. I am also glad you found my blog. Please come back and visit again, and post any other comments, thoughts or questions if you feel like. It is nice to know that other people are reading and/or can relate to my journey.
Little Miss Normal